Entries by Matteo Pericoli


Sky(time)line Mural @ Lavazza Headquarters

I was recently at Lavazza’s headquarters in Turin for the installation of my sky(time)line mural drawing of the building site — from a fourth century Paleo-Christian basilica to an impressive 1800s power station, to the new “Nuvola” building.  

New York de ma fenêtre

63 vues de la Grosse Pomme   New York de ma fenêtre – the French edition of “The City Out My Window: 63 Views on New York” – is here! (And it’s beautiful)  



Ho provato qui a rispondere alla casa editrice EDT sul quale potrebbe essere il mio personale “punto di ripartenza”, o un’“idea di ripartenza”: https://www.edt.it/ioriparto-matteo-pericoli-affacciarsi-al-futuro


Finestra delle mie brame

Il nostro punto di contatto col mondo svuotato dal virus di Matteo Pericoli La Stampa, 10 maggio 2020    tutto iniziato nel 2004 a New York quando, a pochi giorni dal trasloco, preso dallo sgomento di abbandonarla dopo setti anni passati con lei, silenziosa e trasparente, sempre al mio fianco decido di disegnarla in fretta […]


My Own Little Window

The other day my friend Azzurra Muzzonigro asked me to contribute a short piece about how my work space and routine are overlapping with my family’s domestic life and space in our Turin (Italy) apartment during the lockdown for a feature on her blog called “Domestic space is the new public space”. Here’s what I […]



With so many people around the world being forced to stay at home, our windows have taken on a much more profound and metaphoric function than ever before. In essence, they have become our primary point of visual contact with the world — a contact that both protects and separates us, but at the same […]

Fabbriche di parole – Fahrenheit Radio 3

Tommasio Giartosio intervista Matteo Pericoli    Qui il link alla puntata di Fahrenheit del 27/12/2019: https://www.raiplayradio.it/audio/2019/12/FAHRENHEIT-Fabbriche-di-parole-8b59683a-cbb7-4124-bd16-17ebd5105c0f.html


Finestre sul mondo: 63 visioni sulla Grande Mela

È finalmente arrivato! Finestre su New York: 63 visioni sulla Grande Mela, un libro (e una copertina) da aprire. “63 visioni di New York. 63 sguardi dalle finestre di artisti, registi, scrittori, musicisti, filosofi, scienziati e persone comuni che Matteo Pericoli ha incontrato, per poi ritrarne gli scorci e realizzare una storia inedita della Grande […]

An Imagined Elsewhere: The City of Cities

An essay by Colum McCann published in World Unfurled by Matteo Pericoli (Chronicle Books, 2008) We leave: it’s inevitable. We sometimes come home: that’s our choice. In the process, we can bring our home country to another land, or we can cart that other, distant country back toward our own and sometimes make it new. And so, every building we have […]


The 2011 and 2001 Manhattan West Side skyline in the New Yorker

In one of my rarely-opened drawers, I stumbled across this September 12, 2011 issue of The New Yorker magazine with a portion of my original, 2001 West Side drawing from Manhattan Unfurled (top) and a 2011 drawing of the same section of the skyline (from Canal St. to the Battery). Click here to watch a […]