Entries by Matteo Pericoli


Turin Unfurled

Fu nel 1998, mentre guardavo Manhattan da un battello che la circumnavigava, che mi venne l’idea di “disegnare tutto”. Erano ormai tre anni che mi ero trasferito a New York e, più o meno consapevolmente, era da altrettanto tempo che andavo cercando quella chiave di lettura che in qualche modo mi aiutasse a impadronirmi della […]

One Year at the Window
53 Views on Turin

Preface An agglomeration of buildings is not sufficient to constitute a city. And it does not matter how big it is, nor what the architectural quality of the individual buildings or the urban organization of the whole is. What matters is how the agglomeration is perceived by those who live there, how it is told […]


“Line By Line”: The City Out My Window on CBS Sunday Morning

On December 13th, 2009, CBS Sunday Morning aired a piece produced by Ed Forgotson and narrated by Charles Osgood about the just-published “The City Out My Window: 63 Views on New York” (Simon & Schuster), Matteo’s first project on window view drawings. Tom Wolfe, featured both in the book and in the CBS piece, says […]


Skyline of the World at JFK – The Hallmark Channel

A piece by producer Pamela Mason Wagner on the making and the installation of Skyline of the World, the 400-foot-long mural at JFK’s American Airlines terminal by Matteo Pericoli.   “Skyline of the World” – JFK Mural by Matteo Pericoli Broadcast July 24, 2007 “New Morning Show” – The Hallmark Channel Producer: Pamela Mason Wagner […]